Tramway, Amusement Rides & Ski Lifts

Learn about the State of New Hampshire’s tramway, amusement ride and ski lift safety program.

The Tramway and Amusement Ride Safety program was established to oversee the safe and enjoyable use of New Hampshire's ski industry resources. It ensures that proper design, construction and operations are followed for ski tows, lifts, Nordic ski jumps and passenger tramways. The program also makes sure carnival and amusement ride operators meet the State’s safety regulations.

What We Do

Responsibilities include overseeing the registration, inspection and compliance with the laws and safe operating procedures for the following:

  • Ski lifts
  • Tramways
  • Portable and fixed tows
  • Mechanical amusement rides
  • Rope challenge courses
  • Canopy tours and devices
  • Inflatable devices

Each mechanical lift is registered and inspected yearly, with additional inspections randomly conducted during the year. Registrations are also required for lifts operating during the summer.

Amusement Ride Requirements

Any company wishing to operate amusement rides in New Hampshire must contact this office no less than 10 days prior to inspection and operation.

Each company operating in the State must carry adequate liability insurance and be inspected by a State Inspector.

Each amusement device must be inspected and registered prior to operation.  Upon passing, a registration decal will be issued, which must be affixed on the ride and visible to the public.

red gondola aerial tramway going up a tree-lined mountain
ski lift with passengers going up a mountain in the winter
empty red amusement ride sitting next to a platform


scenic view of a ski lift control station at the top of a mountain in the Fall

Passenger Tramway Safety Board

The purpose of the New Hampshire Passenger Tramway Board is to review and approve all applications for the construction of new ski lifts and/or modification of existing lifts and inspections of all types of ski lifts.


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