Fire Service Mobilization Plan

The NH State Fire Marshal's Office coordinates fire service resource mobilization throughout New Hampshire.

The New Hampshire Fire Service Mobilization Plan is an all-hazard based plan used to mobilize fire resources to any incident beyond local fire service capabilities necessary to protect life, property, and the environment.


The purpose of the State-wide Fire & All Hazards Mobilization Plan (hereafter known as the Plan) is to provide local first responders with easy access to large quantities of resources or specialties that may be needed in a major fire, disaster or other major emergency or event in the State of New Hampshire and elsewhere.

The Plan is based on a series of observed occurrences and shared experiences during recent disasters and major emergencies in the State of New Hampshire. It is also an evolution of our past experiences in dealing with the day-to-day incidents that continually challenge our resources and competencies. Most importantly, it is a practical approach to provide emergency service resources in quantities or specialties beyond the means of any single department. It is to the mutual advantage of the parties hereto to cooperate for the purpose of Fire and related incidents that are beyond the capabilities of local and regional emergency response organizations.

The Plan was developed to provide for the systematic mobilization, deployment, organization and management of emergency services resources to assist local agencies in a major fire, disaster or other major emergency. This enabling agreement is not obligatory and does not guarantee that any aforementioned parties will respond into other districts. Response will be provided based upon available resources.


  • Border Area Mutual Aid Association
  • Capital Area Mutual Aid Fire Compact
  • Kearsarge Mutual Aid
  • Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid Association
  • NH Division of Forests and Lands
  • NH State Fire Marshal's Office
  • North Country Fire Mutual Aid District
  • Ossipee Valley Mutual Aid Association
  • Seacoast Chief Fire Officers Mutual Aid District
  • Souhegan Mutual Fire Aid Association
  • Southwestern New Hampshire District Fire Mutual Aid
  • Twin State Mutual Aid Fire Association
  • Upper Valley Fire Mutual Aid Association


New Hampshire is susceptible to natural and man-made disasters; therefore accentuating the need for this level of coordination and preparation. The effective management of emergency response personnel during the incipient stage of any major incident and throughout its extended operations will by far, have the most significant impact on life loss and the severity of injuries to the affected population. The Plan provides for the activation and sustained response of aid to a community in the event of a localized disaster. These events can include, but are not limited to, major fires, tornadoes, train derailments, hazardous materials incidents, wildland fires, domestic terrorism and other events that may overwhelm the local fire department serving the community and its normal mutual aid resources.

Requests for assistance should be referred to the appropriate dispatch center. This Plan serves as the mechanism to commit local fire, EMS and special resources to emergencies beyond the scope of their normal mutual aid systems. It is important to understand that the control of an incident will remain in the hands of the local jurisdiction.

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