Swiftwater Rescue Working Group
The NH State Fire Marshal's Office works to determine and improve the capabilities for swift water rescue in the State of New Hampshire. This initiative was born out of the need for resources during Hurricane Irene in 2011.
In January of 2012, The New Hampshire Swiftwater/Flood Rescue Working Group, was formed under the direction of Governor John Lynch and Homeland Security Director Chris Pope. This working group was tasked with four things.
- Develop a Swiftwater/Flood Rescue response plan
- Examine how to manage New Hampshire swiftwater/flood rescue resources
- Determine the training needs of New Hampshire First Responders to conduct safe and efficient operations in swiftwater and flood environments
- Determine the minimum equipment needs for a swiftwater/flood rescue team to conduct self-sustained search and rescue operations during catastrophic flood events
The working group was comprised of personnel from public safety agencies from across the state:
- Department of Safety, Division of Fire Safety
- Department of Safety, Division of Fire Standards and Training and Emergency Medical Services
- Department of Safety, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
- New Hampshire Fish and Game
- New Hampshire Army National Guard
- Various fire departments from around the state
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Rescue Teams
The Swiftwater Rescue Group is comprised of several teams across the state.
Conway Swiftwater Team (Type III)
- Conway Village Fire Department
Hanover/ Lebanon Swiftwater Team (Type III)
- Hanover Fire Department
- Lebanon Fire Department
Keene Swiftwater Team (Type III)
- Keene Fire Department
Souhegan Mutual Aid Response Team – SAR Division (SMART-SAR) (Type 1)
- Amherst Fire Department
- Bedford Fire Department
- Goffstown Fire Department
- Manchester Fire Department
- Milford Fire Department