Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide is an invisible danger: It cannot be seen, smelled or tasted, making it impossible to detect without an alarm or detector. It can build up quickly and cause death in minutes without warning. Carbon monoxide claims the lives of hundreds of people every year and makes thousands more ill.
Carbon monoxide (CO) gas is created whenever a fossil fuel such as oil, wood, gas, charcoal or kerosene is burned. These are all commonly used within heating systems in our region. These factors raise potential for dangerous levels of carbon monoxide to build up in our homes. Basically, when people breathe in the gas it replaces oxygen in the body and can suffocate you before you realize what is happening.
Symptoms of CO poisoning can mimic viruses such as cold or flu and may include headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, sleepiness, and confusion. Do not ignore symptoms, particularly if more than one person is feeling them. If you suspect CO poisoning, get outside to fresh air immediately, and then call 9-1-1.
CPSC Awards More than $3.0 Million in Grants to 22 State and Local Governments to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
New Hampshire was selected by CPSC, from a group of 31 applicants. CPSC will provide more than $3 million in federal Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention Grant Program (COPPGP) funds that will be matched by $1 million in recipient funds. This will fund state and local government efforts to reduce deaths and injuries from carbon monoxide poisoning.